In the end, Finn, Princess Bubblegum and Lemonhope manage to escape the earldom with the help of Lemongrab 2 and the Lemon People. Entranced by the noise, Lemongrab 2 releases the prisoners, earning the wrath of his original counterpart. In the dungeon, the Princess gets Lemonhope to play Finn's flute and manages to attract both Lemongrabs. After Princess Bubblegum concludes that there is nothing in the Candy Kingdom-Lemon Earldom treaty that will free Lemonhope, she and Finn decide to pull a prank on the Earl, ultimately resulting in their arrest. However, the Earl refuses and imprisons Lemonhope in the castle dungeons. The Princess asks Lemongrab if Lemonhope can be brought back to the Candy Kingdom and be enrolled in a school for gifted children. In " Too Old," Lemonhope is discovered by Princess Bubblegum and Finn during their visit to the Lemongrab Earldom. In an attempt to block out Lemonhope's music, the Earl of Lemongrab imprisoned the child inside of a washroom in Castle Lemongrab. This was likely because of his talent with the harp as its sound was unpleasant and potentially deadly for the Earl. Lemonhope was treated poorly by the Earl, even when compared to the other residents of the castle. Lemonhope was likely created by the Earl and his twin after they received the candy life formula from Princess Bubblegum. He has a round fluid container strapped to his chest and maintains a pink holographic armor around his body.

See ya in a thousand years, I guess.") Lemonhope appears as an elderly Lemon Person and his hair has been made into long braids or dreadlocks.

Many years into the future (presumably, at least one thousand - "I'll be back when I'm tired of being free. However, he later abandons it and chooses to live in the nude. After his rescue, Lemonhope was given a clean and simple outfit by Princess Bubblegum. When he was first found in the bathrooms of Castle Lemongrab, Lemonhope wore a tattered, white shirt and a shock collar. Lemonhope is a small and plump Lemon Child with curly yellow hair and large round eyes.